The Alligator Snapping Turtle

It’s said that an alligator snapping turtle caught in Kansas in the 1930s weighed over 400 pounds. That, my friends, is a monster-sized turtle!

The alligator snapping turtle's tongue acts as a __________

This species is mostly herbivorous

Where is this species' geographic range?

The alligator snapping turtle is the world's largest freshwater turtle

Alligator snapping turtles may live up to 200 years.  They continue to grow as they age.  Males are larger than females.  There are several records of adult males of 240 and 250 lbs. and even a debatable record of a 400 lb. turtle found in Kansas in 1937.  More typically, an adult male will live up to 120 years and weigh up to 180 lbs. in the wild.

Despite their reputation as having the strongest bite of any animal, the bite of an alligator snapper is about as strong as a human’s and is actually weaker than some turtles.  Nevertheless, they can easily amputate a finger.

Alligator Snapping Turtle

The alligator snapping turtle, or Macrochelys temminckii, is a reptile in the Order Testudines and is related to the common snapping turtle.

The turtle is found in the southeastern United States including Northwest Florida. It lives in swamps, lakes and rivers.

The alligator snapping turtle is a carnivore, feeding on fish, crayfish, snakes, and carrion.

Chew on this:

The alligator snapper is the largest freshwater turtle in the world.  It has a gigantic head.  The turtle opens its mouth slowly and lies perfectly still.  The inside of the turtle’s mouth is camouflaged.  The tip of its tongue is a worm-like appendage which it wiggles like a lure to attract unsuspecting fish.  In an instant, the fish is gone.

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The Florida Scrub Jay

Gopher Tortoise: Ecosystem Engineer