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Join the Odyssey Earth Journey: Support Environmental Education and Adventure

Join the Odyssey Earth Journey: Support Environmental Education and Adventure

Since 1978 Encounters has reached close to two million students with its live auditorium presentations making it the largest assembly series in Miami-Dade public school history.
The Encounters in Excellence program consists of a series of  lm lectures on natural history topics. Based in Miami, Florida, much of the focus is on the incredible biodiversity of Biscayne Bay, the Everglades and the surrounding environments. The action-packed  lms are projected in school auditoriums using digital projectors and are narrated in person by the lmmakers. Students are encouraged to interact with the  lmmaker after the program with a question and answer period. There is no other series like it in the United States.
Odyssey Earth is a multi-media website designed to complement and expand the Encounters in Excellence program. Through the lecture series and this website, Encounters in Excellence hopes to educate as well as introduce a sense of adventure, curiosity and responsibility to a new generation of students.

Discover, Learn, Protect

At Odyssey Earth, we believe in the transformative power of education and the greatoutdoors. For decades, our team, comprised of passionate wildlife  lmmakersspanning two generations, has been on a mission to unveil the wonders of the naturalworld to audiences far and wide. Specializing in Florida’s rich tapestry ofenvironmental science, biology, and natural history, we’ve crafted an educationalplatform that invites exploration and fosters a deep appreciation for our planet.

A Legacy of Exploration and Education

From the lush landscapes of Everglades National Park to the vibrant ecosystems ofBiscayne National Park, our backyard in Florida offers a world of adventure andlearning. Our live-narrated lm series has reached nearly 2 million school students, introducing them to the beauty and ecological importance of these habitats. With over 5 decades of documentary filmmaking, our voyages have spanned the globe, yet our heart remains anchored in the biodiversity of Florida—a state brimming with wildlife, adventure, and untold stories.

Why Your Support Matters

Environmental literacy is more crucial than ever in our rapidly changing world. As we continue to share Florida’s unique natural heritage through our educational video adventures and resources, your support becomes a vital part of our journey. Donations to Odyssey Earth enable us to:
Expand Our Educational Reach: Help us grow our free archive of video content and teaching resources, making environmental education accessible to more students, teachers, and nature enthusiasts around the globe.
Foster Environmental Stewardship: Your contribution supports our efforts to educate and inspire current and future generations to be mindful stewards of our planet, ensuring the preservation of our precious wild places for years to come.
Fuel Future Expeditions: With your support, we can embark on new adventures, uncovering the stories of Florida’s wildlife and ecosystems, and bringing them to the forefront of environmental education and conservation.

How You Can Help

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a difference. Here’s how you can
contribute to our cause:
Make a Donation: Whether it’s a one-time gift or a monthly contribution, your donation directly supports our educational programs and film productions.
Spread the Word: Share our mission with friends and family. Follow us on social media, and help us raise awareness about the importance of environmental education and conservation.
Engage with Our Content: Explore our website, watch our educational videos, and use our resources to embark on your own journey of discovery and learning.

"Thank you for your support. Your generosity fuels our mission to educate, explore,
and protect." –The Odyssey Earth Team